

So I’m sitting at work yesterday prepping for Sims-Oden III when my boss calls me into his office and lays my ass off. If you haven’t experienced it folks, let me tell you, it’s very much like being executed. They just picked us off one after one while we were sitting at our desk. You unexpectedly walk into a room with four big wigs waiting for you, and within five minutes, you need a new job and a clean pair of shorts.

What chapped my ass the most is that I almost didn’t even enjoy watching Oden dropping bows on Vagina Face for 40 minutes. Hopefully, it’s Tivoed.

The good news is that this gives me more time to blog. The bad news is that I hate myself.

But don’t worry, Varun is here for me. He keeps telling me I need to get back on the horse. Of course, I keep reminding him that I’m not a gymnast. To be honest, the only thing that's keeping me going right now is knowing someone in Cary, NC still believes in me.

The only way you, loyal reader, can help me now is by pushing for Rudy T. awareness and getting people to sign the petition.

It’s my last wish…

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