Pressed for time this week, so we're going with bullet points:
- R.I.P. Woodley, Sr.
- If “24” somehow had a voice and wanted to boast, like we do here at The Realests, it would quote this Jay-Z line: “Ahem, Allow me to re-introduce myself...”
- 24 has totally redeemed itself after having the worst 5 weeks its ever had. They brought back old characters (even if it was just for one episode). It was good to see our main man, Aaron Pierce back on the scene, but sad that he’s fallen in love with a basket case. It’s kind of like when you enjoy the Wolverines winning a tournament, and then you realize it’s the NIT.
- The plot to assassinate President Palmer was created by the Russians who are putting all the blame on the Arabs.
- Is the Vice President that stupid? Starting a war with a country that has nothing to do with the assassination attempt on the President or… were the people that planned the assassination that smart?
- Varun should take bad all the bad stuff he’s said about 24
- Logan has no more vagina-neck!
- I would also like to send my condolences out to Woodley. I really didn’t like that stupid dog, but after the 24 writers killed off his dad… I feel kind of bad.
- Big-Ups to Jeff Rogers and Ben Weinstein.
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