

For all your perverts out there that typed in "Marco Belinelli girlfriend" into Google (The Realests included) after seeing this clip (below) during the NBA Draft, we have good news: Her identity might be confirmed.

Peter Schrager of FoxSports.com is claiming victory after a reader wrote in claiming her name is Melissa Ignazio. Well, that's been posted on the Internet since July and there's absolutely nothing to support this except a link to Italian message boards with a picture of a babe that resembles her.

We're still not sold but figured we'd let you be the judge:

Unfortunately, Schrager also provides no insight into our main question: How does a dude looking that much like a ferret land such a hot chick?

I guess we'll have to settle for one answer at a time...

1 comment:

Rizzo said...

Because he can play his ass off.